Share chapter resources are stored here. If you have a resource to submit, please contact
A library of leftist literature to learn from. Read these eBooks so you don't need to fund yachts for Bezos.
National Resources
New how-to articles, tip sheets, and handouts added regularly.
Bulletins from National DSA for chapters and members.
Recorded webinars, conference calls, and other audio resources.
Guiding documents and literature on democratic socialism.
Free Resources for making democratic socialist art and designs for your chapter.
The DSA Discussion Board is a moderated space for DSA members to connect and share organizing tips. Use the discussion board for connecting with DSA members across the country and sharing information with them. It facilitates collaboration for working groups and chapters across physical boundaries.
A series of answers to questions regarding harassment, bullying, and conflict resolution in DSA.
A database of training resources for you to learn from.
National Publications
National Priorities
Democratic Socialist Labor Commission